



Monsoon gloom affecting your relationship? Here's what to do

India, July 21 -- The monsoon season can be difficult for relationships. Constant rain, dark skies and no sunlight can significantly impact our mental state. The sense of gloom in the air can accelera... Read More

Monsoon gloom affecting your relationship? Here's what to do

India, July 21 -- The monsoon season can be difficult for relationships. Constant rain, dark skies and no sunlight can significantly impact our mental state. The sense of gloom in the air can accelera... Read More

Monsoon gloom affecting your relationship? Here's what to do

India, July 21 -- The monsoon season can be difficult for relationships. Constant rain, dark skies and no sunlight can significantly impact our mental state. The sense of gloom in the air can accelera... Read More

Monsoon gloom affecting your relationship? Here's what to do

India, July 21 -- The monsoon season can be difficult for relationships. Constant rain, dark skies and no sunlight can significantly impact our mental state. The sense of gloom in the air can accelera... Read More

Taking a trip abroad? Travel safe with these tips

India, July 10 -- Two tourists recently went viral online for catching a pickpocket in the streets of London, UK. The video features a man holding the pickpocket's hands in the back and waiting for th... Read More

How Spain's tourism industry is dealing with drought

India, June 29 -- From drought alerts at the airport to innovative water-saving technologies in hotels, Barcelona's tourism industry is being reshaped in the midst of its worst drought in centuries. ... Read More

Having cold coffee daily could cause insulin resistance

India, June 26 -- Actor Samantha, on her recent health podcast, addressed the issue of insulin resistance. The wellness coach and co-host of the show, Alkesh Sharotri, explained that when we intake a ... Read More

5 yoga asanas that can help women lead a healthier life

India, June 20 -- Yoga comes with multiple health benefits. From strengthening the muscles to alleviating symptoms of many chronic disorders, yoga is a holistic approach to healing the body and the mi... Read More