


IUCN Red List update: Invasive species and illegal trade push reptiles and cacti closer to extinction

New Delhi, July 9 -- The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has issued a stark warning about the threats posed by invasive species and illegal trade to several reptile and cactus sp... Read More

Unequal cities cannot be climate just: Urgent steps needed to curb climate impacts in Indian cities

New Delhi, July 9 -- The first few days of the monsoon have seen Indian cities inundated by heavy downpours. However, the worst affected are slum dwellers who invariably reside in low-lying areas with... Read More

Biden's heat protection plan: New rules to safeguard US workers from extreme heat

New Delhi, July 9 -- The United States Department of Labor proposed a rule on July 2, 2024, aimed at protecting millions of workers from the significant health risks of extreme heat. If finalised, th... Read More

How the Abua Bir Dishom Abhiyan in Jharkhand empowers forest dwellers

New Delhi, July 9 -- A 45-year-old woman from Gumla district, Jharkhand, encountered significant difficulties collecting Sal seeds (Shorea robusta) this year due to erratic rainfall, which disrupted t... Read More

As ocean surfaces acidify, a deep-sea acidic zone is expanding: Marine habitats are being squeezed

New Delhi, July 9 -- In the deepest parts of the ocean, below 4,000 metres, the combination of high pressure and low temperature creates conditions that dissolve calcium carbonate, the material marine... Read More

Disease has killed most of the UK's elm trees since the 1960s - but there are signs they may be making a comeback

New Delhi, July 9 -- Elm trees were once stalwarts of the United Kingdom countryside that towered out of hedgerows, lined fields and woodlands. Glance at the landscape paintings of John Constable for ... Read More

What were dingoes like before the European invasion? Centuries-old DNA reveals a surprising history

New Delhi, July 9 -- For at least 3,500 years, dingoes have been Australia's top terrestrial predator. And in current times, they are one of the continent's most iconic but controversial animals. Ding... Read More

Big bodies, not-so-big brains: Study upends link between size and intelligence in nature

New Delhi, July 9 -- For centuries, scientists have assumed a simple rule: Bigger bodies mean bigger brains. But new research has thrown a wrench into this theory, suggesting these organs can get big ... Read More

Swazi women subsistence farmers put their trust in indigenous seeds to evade crippling El Nino drought

New Delhi, July 8 -- In 2023, meteorologists forecast an El Nino effect that would bring high temperatures and below-average rainfall to southern Africa from November 2023 to April 2024. They warned t... Read More

Bird flu update: Germany reports outbreak of rare strain; human cases rise to 4 in US

New Delhi, July 8 -- A rare strain of avian influenza, H7N5, has been reported in Germany, marking a new strain in the country. The World Organisation for Animal Health received a report of the outbr... Read More