


Suspect claims in Teva's suit against Cipla

India, April 2 -- The US Federal Trade Commission has warned the Israeli drug firm its patents are wrongful as it sues Cipla aggressively Patent infringement cases are inevitable in the pharma indust... Read More

Voting without voters: Migrant workers in Odisha's Nuapada unable to afford trip home to cast ballot

India, April 2 -- About 75,000 workers in district are migrant labourers and 63,000 of them eligible voters With the general election looming in the coming months, a growing concern has emerged regar... Read More

Jalpaiguri disaster: Tornadoes a symptom of warming & anomalous wind patterns

India, April 2 -- While tornadoes mostly occur in India's eastern states, some have been reported in the northwest regions as well Around 3:30 pm on March 31, 2024, a deadly tornado struck the Mainag... Read More

Nobel Prize winner Venki Ramakrishnan discusses ageing and death in new book

India, April 2 -- Arestricted diet and proper sleep may play a key role in a long and healthy life Humanity has been haunted for millennia by a question: Why do we age and die? A new book by Nobel Pr... Read More

Controversial deep sea mining negotiations showed progress, but many disagreements among member states remain

India, April 2 -- States' proposals not included in consolidated text, while mining contractors' proposals accepted; covered items not cleared The international agency responsible for developing a mi... Read More

Undersea cables are the unseen backbone of global internet

India, April 2 -- Alsocalled submarine communications cables, these fibre-optic cables are laid on the ocean floor and used to transmit data between continent Have you ever wondered how an email sent... Read More

Clinical Trial: The Effects of Acupressure on Pain and Gastrointestinal Fuctions in Women Underwent Hysterectomy

U.S., April 2 -- ClinicalTrials.gov registry received information related to the study (NCT06340776) titled 'The Effects of Acupressure on Pain and Gastrointestinal Fuctions in Women Underwent Hystere... Read More

Clinical Trial: Neurotransmitters in Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia Patients With add-on Sodium Benzoate

U.S., April 2 -- ClinicalTrials.gov registry received information related to the study (NCT06340789) titled 'Neurotransmitters in Treatment Resistant Schizophrenia Patients With add-on Sodium Benzoate... Read More

Clinical Trial: A First in hUman Study for Resistant Epilepsy With the Vagus Nerve stimulatiOn Device by syneRgia medicAl

U.S., April 2 -- ClinicalTrials.gov registry received information related to the study (NCT06340802) titled 'A First in hUman Study for Resistant Epilepsy With the Vagus Nerve stimulatiOn Device by sy... Read More

Clinical Trial: Varian ProBeam Proton Therapy System Clinical Trial (Shandong)

U.S., April 2 -- ClinicalTrials.gov registry received information related to the study (NCT06340815) titled 'Varian ProBeam Proton Therapy System Clinical Trial (Shandong)' on March 22. Brief Summary... Read More