


Women Scientists Lead Discussions at Nottingham Speakers' Corner: Motor Neurone Disease, Menopause, and Nutrition

India, July 10 -- Motor neurone disease, menopause and nutrition are just some of the subjects being covered by women scientists who are taking over Speakers' Corner in Nottingham to share their knowl... Read More

USTC Researchers Reveal New Photo-Induced Charge-Transfer Complex

India, July 9 -- A research team led by Prof. ZHANG Guoqing from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) discovered a highly reactive photo-in... Read More

USTC Study Sheds Light on Nitrogen's Beginnings and Evolution on Earth

India, July 9 -- A research team led by Prof. WANG Wenzhong from the School of Earth and Space Sciences of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), in collaboration with international... Read More

Revolutionary Probe Sheds Light on Water-Ice Microstructures

India, July 9 -- Ice is believed to have played a crucial role in the emergence of life. One reason is that organic molecules can be excluded into the gaps between the crystal lattice by orderly arran... Read More

USTC Scientists Accomplish Time Reversal with Input-Output Indefiniteness

India, July 9 -- A Research team led by academician GUO Guangcan, Prof. LI Chuanfeng and Prof. LIU Biheng from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Scienc... Read More

Carbon Capture and Carbon Credit Highlighted at 25th PM-STIAC Meeting

India, July 9 -- The 25th Prime Minister's Science, Technology & Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC) meeting was chaired by Professor Ajay Kumar Sood today (July 9, 2024) at Vigyan Bhawan Annexe in... Read More

Southampton Study Points to Oxygen Variability as Key to Evolutionary Leap

India, July 9 -- New research provides the clearest evidence yet that the Cambrian explosion - a rapid burst of evolution 540 million years ago, could have been triggered by only a small increase in o... Read More

University of Southampton's 'Digital Twin' Recreates RRS Discovery's Antarctic Expeditions

India, July 9 -- A project led by the University of Southampton has created a 'digital twin' of RRS Discovery - the pioneering research vessel that first took explorers Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest ... Read More

Rice University Predicts Flat Electronic Bands with Potential for Quantum Devices

India, July 9 -- In a study published in Nature Communications June 19, a team of scientists led by Rice University's Qimiao Si predicts the existence of flat electronic bands at the Fermi level, a fi... Read More

Rice University Welcomes CPRIT Chemistry Professor to Advance Cancer Research

India, July 9 -- Rice University's Department of Chemistry will soon welcome David Sarlah, who will contribute to the university's cancer research efforts when he joins the faculty on July 1 as a prof... Read More