


ASU Initiative Targets National Leadership in Cybersecurity with New Institute

India, July 3 -- In 1788, 13-year-old Eugene-Francois Vidocq, the son of a wealthy merchant in Arras, France, stole his father's set of silver plates. And so began a life of crime that resulted in doz... Read More

ASU Researchers Analyze Impact of Deepfakes on Society

India, July 3 -- Plato feared the artist. The ancient Greek philosopher, the original source of the notion that art imitates life, found imagery, at best, an entertaining illusion - at worst, a dange... Read More

Charite Strengthens Ties with CLALIT Health Services for Improved Healthcare

India, July 2 -- During the COVID-19 pandemic, Israel impressively demonstrated how efficient patient data collection can be used to advance research into the prevention of infections and development ... Read More

Tsinghua University Hosts Joint Theme Party Day Focused on Party Discipline Education

India, July 2 -- In order to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and instructions on party discipline education, and guide graduate party members to learn, k... Read More

Alexandria University President, Bibliotheca Alexandrina Director Engage in 13th Arabic Language Nights

India, July 1 -- Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Konsowa, President of Alexandria University, and Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, witnessed Thursday evening the artistic show organiz... Read More

RWTH Aachen Tops National Rankings for Industrial Engineering

India, July 1 -- With its latest university ranking, the WirtschaftsWoche magazine once again confirmed RWTH's excellent reputation among companies. Each year, approximately 500 human resources manag... Read More

RWTH Aachen Joins New Robotics Institute Germany

India, July 1 -- The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding a central contact point for robotics in Germany, the Robotics Institute Germany (RIG). The participating Aachen researchers w... Read More

RWTH Enhances ICT Capabilities with Cutting-Edge New Facility

India, July 1 -- The foundation stone for Cube 3 has now been laid on Campus Horn of RWTH Aachen University. An ultra-modern new building with around 3000 square meters of floor space is being built h... Read More

University of Freiburg Recognized in THE Impact Rankings for Top 100 Performance in Four SDGs

India, July 1 -- The University Impact Rankings by Times Higher Education examine the impact of universities in terms of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) laid out by the United Nations. The... Read More

UPMC Suggests New Risk Equation Could Limit Statin Recommendations for Heart Disease Prevention

India, June 29 -- If national guidelines are revised to incorporate a new risk equation, about 40% fewer people could meet criteria for cholesterol-lowering statins to prevent heart disease, according... Read More