


Guidelines for weaning: Transitioning from breastfeeding to solid food

New Delhi, June 11 -- The transition from shifting to solid food from breastfeeding is considered one of the milestones in a baby's life where weaning is a process when newborns are introduced to soli... Read More

Cancer treatment: Things you didn't know about chemotherapy

New Delhi, June 9 -- Chemotherapy is a generic word and is used to denote any drug which kills or damages cancer cells, leading to better cancer control. However, there are some common concerns people... Read More

Most common cancers in men: 8 lifestyle and fitness tips to reduce risk

New Delhi, June 9 -- The incidence of cancer is on the rise, affecting both men and women but despite this, the etiology of most cases remains unknown where health experts often encounter patients wit... Read More

Effective strategies for preventing acne and sunburn during summer, tips on most suitable sunscreen options

New Delhi, June 9 -- Offering strategies for preventing acne during the summer season, Dr Rajat Gupta, MBBS, MD (Skin), FIADVL, FEADV (Europe), Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetologist and Laser Surgeo... Read More

How to conduct yourself professionally in meetings and presentations

New Delhi, June 7 -- In a world where technological advancement is at its peak, presenting oneself professionally has become an essential necessity to make a positive impact and communicate effectivel... Read More

Setting healthy boundaries: Tips to maintain professionalism while protecting your time and energy

New Delhi, June 7 -- In today's new and modern world, maintaining professionalism while protecting one's own time and energy is no less than having talent but whether you are bustling corridors of cor... Read More

Beat the heat with maternity fashion: Tips for surviving summer pregnancy in style

New Delhi, June 6 -- As the temperature rises, so do the challenges for pregnant women navigating the sweltering summer heat but fear not, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can not only survive b... Read More

Pelvic organ prolapse: Physiotherapy strategies for management and symptom relief

New Delhi, June 6 -- Richa Bathla explained, "Diagnosis of POP begins with medical history and examination of pelvic organs which helps healthcare professional to find out type of prolapse a person ha... Read More

Preserving hope: Fertility options for ovarian cancer patients

New Delhi, June 6 -- It is critical to raise awareness on the multiple problems that women deal with when fighting the devastating disease of ovarian cancer where aside from the physical and emotional... Read More

Summer heat and male infertility: Diet tips, healthy habits for men to maintain semen quality to protect their fertility

New Delhi, June 5 -- Dr Gurpreet Batra suggested the following strategies to improve male semen parameters in summer - 1. Stay Cool: Encourage men to avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures, su... Read More