



Kotipotis, withdrawing money from banks and the constitution

Dhaka, June 14 -- A recent news item saying that people with more than 100 lakhs in bank accounts are withdrawing their deposits because they are not as confident in the institutions is interesting. T... Read More

Crossing Dhaka roads, a philosophical analysis

Dhaka, June 7 -- If you live in Dhaka you will have to cross mains roads and sub roads as well many other kinds of roads where the motorized vehicular traffic load is high and cars and of course motor... Read More

Our media, murders and capacity for quality reporting

Dhaka, May 31 -- The recent murder of a Bangladeshi MP in Kolkata in quite a gory and gruesome manner has shocked most people. The stories are all circulating on media and everyone has joined the crow... Read More

Memories of extreme weather sitting in a hot, humid hell

Dhaka, May 3 -- As we are going through one of the hottest humid heat waves, everyone is screaming about how bad things are and why cutting trees down is responsible, I know it's a much more complex i... Read More

"This city with songs buried beneath it like .." Eid.

Dhaka, April 19 -- The days after Eid in Dhaka have a strange resonance, a touch of melancholy too if you will. Just like a hall room where an orchestra was playing cheerful music and like all music s... Read More

1971: Towards a forgotten history

Dhaka, March 29 -- We had developed an assignment in our history course where we would ask the students to write a research based essay on 1971 events, As it is, the topic is not a popular one and the... Read More

History of 1971: Towards an inclusive history not a politically correct one

Dhaka, March 22 -- The history of almost all traditional wars in the world is a history of armies and politicians giving orders. Traditional wars mostly have two sides fighting each other from both si... Read More