



Progress on over a third of SDG targets has either stalled or regressed, shows UN report

New Delhi, July 8 -- Progress on over a third of the targets under 15 of the 17 United Nations-mandated Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) has stalled or regressed, according to a UN report. The wi... Read More

PMAY goals in jeopardy: West Bengal & Andhra Pradesh must construct almost 6,000 houses everyday by year end

India, June 12 -- West Bengal trailing for PMAY-Gramin goals, while Andhra must step up PMAY-Urban constructions West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh are significantly lagging behind targets to provide hou... Read More

CSE-DTE analysis finds 195 farmers' protests across India since 2023 signal deep discontent in agrarian sector

India, June 7 -- Angerand distress in farmers goes beyond MSP, finds annual book State of India's Environment In Figures, 2024 As India prepares for the formation of a new central government, the agr... Read More

In 2024, India to be among top 4 contributors of microplastics released into waterbodies

India, April 30 -- After China, India will release highest volume of microplastics & chemical additives into waterways As many as 217 countries will release 3,153,813 tonnes of microplastics into the... Read More