


The 21st Century - The Century of the Mind: Rajendra S. Pawar

India, July 26 -- In the keynote "Future of Higher Education in the Digital Economy" by Rajendra Pawar, Chairman, NIIT emphasizes there's no one-size-fits-all solution, but emphasizes the need for edu... Read More

Dr. Abhay Jere's Blueprint for the Future

India, July 26 -- In an enlightening address, Dr. Abhay Jere, Vice Chairman & Chief Innovation Officer at AICTE, shared his visionary insights on the future of higher education in India. Dr. Jere, kno... Read More

India Must Embrace Digital Revolution to Power Future Workforce: Vipin Kumar, Additional Secratary, Ministry of Education, GOI

India, July 25 -- In a significant address today at the Dataquest Higher Education Conference and Awards., Vipin Kumar, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Education, GOI, underscored the urgent need fo... Read More

Unifying Teams for a Stronger CX: Exploring Zoho's CRM for Everyone

India, July 22 -- Customer experience (CX) is no longer a one-department game. Yet, traditional CRM, often siloed for sales teams, can hinder collaboration and visibility across an organization. This ... Read More

The Man Behind the Museum Makeover: How Saurav Bhaik is Revolutionizing Cultural Experiences

India, July 18 -- Tagbin is planning an SME IPO by the end of this year, and the funds raised will be pivotal in driving our future growth and expansion. The capital will be strategically allocated to... Read More

From Sci-Fi to Reality: A Conversation on AI's Business Impact

India, July 16 -- Artificial intelligence (AI) has long been a staple of science fiction, conjuring images of robots and machines surpassing human capabilities. But today, AI is rapidly transforming o... Read More

Tech Talent in India Seeks More Than Just a Paycheck in 2024: Survey

India, July 12 -- A pan-India survey of over 6,000 technology professionals has shed light on the evolving strategies for attracting and retaining top talent. The 2024 Compensation and Benefits Survey... Read More

From Pacemakers to AI: Powering the Future of Medical Technology

India, July 10 -- In a conversation with Rashmi Kumar, Senior Vice President and Global Chief Information Officer at Medtronic, we delve into the company's exciting new global IT center in Hyderabad, ... Read More

Impact of an Indigenous IoT-ready 28nm MCU on the Indian Gadget Space

India, July 8 -- In an exclusive interview with Dataquest, Shashwath T R, Co-founder and CEO of Mindgrove Technologies, unveils their revolutionary Secure IoT chip. This chip, designed and built in In... Read More

MSME Day: How AI is Empowering Indian Small Businesses with GoDaddy's Apurva Palnitkar

India, June 27 -- As MSME Day approaches, we'll be diving deep into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is empowering Indian small businesses. We're joined today by Apurva Palnitkar, Senior Director of M... Read More