Kathmandu, Feb. 26 -- The Ass is on the verge of throwing in the towel. Stop me before I quit. With so many professional stand-up comedians in the gobblement, and given all the clowns who hold senior positions in the political parties, I give up. There is just too much competition. These guys are really good, they keep the entire population entertained all the time, and they are putting amateurs like us out of business.

The past year has just been one long slapstick show. Every time Oli Ba gets up to speak, he has us in stitches. And when Comrade Awesome delivers one of his monologues, he has us ROFL, LMFAO, LOLZ, LQTM, LSMH, LMHO, not to mention OMG and WTF.

And this week was the climax of the show. If you had not been following the ne...