NEW DELHI, Nov. 21 -- In the island of Lilliput, the people were unhappy; they wanted to change from the gods of their forefathers to another God. "He's a living God!" they said.

"Well we've all been living with the same gods for centuries!" sneered the chief.

"But we would like to try out this new God!" they said.

The chief turned to his aide and asked, "What can we do?" "File a case they have been forcibly converted!" grinned the aide to the chieftain of Lilliput.

"Forcible conversion!" shouted the judge, "Terrible. This should be stopped!"

"Yes," nodded the chieftain and his aide, who had not expected an outburst of this magnitude from a learned judge and were overjoyed by the reaction. But they did not expect the poor man who had...