India, Oct. 27 -- We see things happening around us that cannot happen unless we have faith. Do remember that for me, faith and blind faith are two different things. Not many of us think what a great accomplishment walking is until we see a toddler take her first steps. Well, so is writing an exam, then. And so is riding a bicycle; that day when you first took your car out on the roads all by yourself; the day you felt you were in love; the day you reported to your first job ever; the day you decided to adopt a pet baby; the day you decided to end a relationship; the day you decided to switch careers; the day you lost a friend to an argument; the day you stood up to an abusive family member; the day you decided to pick up a hobby you had always dreamt of but knew you had not much talent for; we have all done some of these things, never once realizing in that small, isolated, intense moment what a leap of faith it was for us....