India, April 17 -- Election manifestos and the promises they are built on have become the latest flashpoint between the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress as we approach the first phase of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

On Sunday, the Congress dubbed the BJP's 'Sankalp Patra', or manifesto, titled 'Modi Ki Guarantee' as a "jumps patra", or 'a document full of rhetoric'. The party said the BJP, which had promised two crore jobs annually and doubling farmer incomes in 2019, had shifted the goalpost in 2024 by 'jumping to 2047'. The grand old party has accused the BJP of not fulling both these promises.

On Tuesday, the BJP knocked at the doors of the Election Commission, calling the Congress manifesto 'Ghar Ghar Guarantee' to 'co...