India, Jan. 3 -- The date and time of the announcement of MTS, Havaldar has not been disclosed yet.

Candidates who have appeared for Multi-Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff and Havaldar (CBIC & CBN) Examination, 2024 (Tier-I) examination can check the results when announced on the official website of SSC at

This recruitment drive will fill 9583 MTS and Havaldar vacancies, of which 6144 are for Multi-Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) and 3439 are for Havaldar.

Go to and then to results

Open the MTS and Havaldar result page

Download the PDF and check your result using roll number

The provisional answer key was released on November 29 and the last date to raise objections was till December 2, 2024.

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