Uganda, Nov. 19 -- On March 10, after 11 days of trekking 340.2 km, Joseph Beyanga, the Head of radio at KFM and Dembe FM, posted a photo on his Twitter page, hands triumphantly raised and supporting his exhausted body on the road sign screaming his home town - Bushenyi! With his signature smile of a man that appreciates the goodness of life, Joe Walker, as he referred to himself, had completed his walk from Kampala to Bushenyi, a trek we keenly followed and cheered on social media under the hashtag #StayInYourLane with a sign off 'Safe Roads, Save Lives.'

Joe was not walking to win a wager and neither was he a man on a wild goose chase.

He was a man on a mission - tired of the madness, the inconsiderate use of the roads, the total disr...