Dhaka, Jan. 29 -- Habibur Rahman Bhuiyan, the father of Sabikunnahar Sony, who died in the crossfire between two factions of the Chhatra Dal two decades ago, is fighting cancer. His family, struggling to pay for his medical treatment, is soliciting help from the government.

After his retirement, Habibur was diagnosed with cancer in September. His health condition worsened quite quickly, his son Maksudur Rahman Rana said.

The father of three children, Habibur worked in BTCL. His wife Dilara Begum worked at Sonali Bank. Habibur initiated a movement demanding a 'violence-free campus' after he lost his daughter in the gunfight. He became the face of the movement.

He is currently receiving treatment at Ahsania Mission Cancer Hospital in Utt...