


Apteegikaubanduse Hulgimuuk Ou secures contract for Pharmaceutical Products -Etoposide

Estonia, July 25 -- Estonia based Apteegikaubanduse Hulgimuuk Ou has secured contract from sihtasutus Pohja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla for Pharmaceutical Products -Etoposide. The value of the contract is w... Read More

INMEDIA secures contract for Delicatessen

Slovakia, July 25 -- Slovakia based INMEDIA has secured contract from ustav na vykon trestu odnatia slobody for Delicatessen . The value of the contract is worth 8935.7 EUR. Published by HT Digital C... Read More

DR.MAX secures contract for Pharmaceutical Products -Lornoxicamum Pulb+ Solv.Pt.Sol.Inj.8 Mg-Flac With 8 Mg Pulb.Pt.Sol.Inj. And A Vial With 2 Ml Of Solvent

Romania, July 25 -- Romania based DR.MAX has secured contract from Spitalul Judetan de Urgenta Mavromati Botosani for Pharmaceutical Products -Lornoxicamum Pulb+ Solv.Pt.Sol.Inj.8 Mg-Flac With 8 Mg Pu... Read More

ZARYS INTERNATIONAL GROUP SPolKA Z OGRANICZONa ODPOWIEDZIALNOsCIa SPolKA KOMANDYTOWA secures contract for Medical Consumables -117. Brushes For Collecting Cytology

Poland, July 25 -- Poland based ZARYS INTERNATIONAL GROUP SPolKA Z OGRANICZONa ODPOWIEDZIALNOsCIa SPolKA KOMANDYTOWA has secured contract from Dolnoslaskie Centrum Onkologii, Pulmonologii i Hematologi... Read More

DISTRIBUCIONES LEVANTINAS SANITARIAS secures contract for Medical Consumables

Spain, July 25 -- Spain based DISTRIBUCIONES LEVANTINAS SANITARIAS has secured contract from CONSORCI HOSPITAL CLiNIC DE BARCELONA (HCB) for Medical Consumables . The value of the contract is worth 89... Read More

MARKSOFT MAREK KUNDERA secures contract for Electricity

Poland, July 25 -- Poland based MARKSOFT MAREK KUNDERA has secured contract from Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach for Electricity . The value of the contract is worth 8977.77 PLN. Published... Read More

CLEANING LOGISTIC DISTRIBUTION S.R.L. secures contract for Antiseptics And Disinfectants - Low Level Disinfectant For Surfaces And Floors

Romania, July 25 -- Romania based CLEANING LOGISTIC DISTRIBUTION S.R.L. has secured contract from Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Craiova for Antiseptics And Disinfectants - Low Level Disinfectant... Read More

Medin a.s. secures contract for Medical Equipments - Package No. 7 - Silicone Prostheses For Tendons

Poland, July 25 -- Poland based Medin a.s. has secured contract from Instytut „Centrum Zdrowia Matki Polki" for Medical Equipments - Package No. 7 - Silicone Prostheses For Tendons. The value of the c... Read More

Asclepios S.A. secures contract for Pharmaceutical Products

Poland, July 25 -- Poland based Asclepios S.A. has secured contract from Samodzielny Publiczny Zaklad Opieki Zdrowotnej Wojewodzki Szpital Zakazny w Warszawie for Pharmaceutical Products . The value o... Read More

CALCARUL S.A. secures contract for Granules, Chippings, Stone Powder, Pebbles, Gravel, Broken And Crushed Stone, Stone Mixtures, Sand-Gravel Mixtures And Other Aggregates

Romania, July 25 -- Romania based CALCARUL S.A. has secured contract from REGIA NATIONALA A PADURILOR - ROMSILVA RA - DIRECTIA SILVICA SUCEAVA for Granules, Chippings, Stone Powder, Pebbles, Gravel, B... Read More