



High-value produce key to bolstering farm incomes: Economic Survey

India, July 22 -- Small and marginal farmers, who account for over 80% of cultivators in the country, should move to high-value agriculture like fruits and vegetables, fisheries, poultry and dairy far... Read More

Economic Survey underscores dangers of AI for future workforces

India, July 22 -- India needs to create 7.85 million non-farm jobs every year until 2030 to absorb its growing workforce amid new challenges such as artificial intelligence (AI), which could prove to ... Read More

'Skewed subsidies make paddy most profitable'

New Delhi, July 20 -- Massive subsidies for growers of paddy (rice), a water-guzzling cereal that has ecologically ruined Punjab and Haryana, along with state-guaranteed purchases, make it the most pr... Read More

Union govt to fund crop diversification in Punjab

New Delhi, July 20 -- The Centre may agree to fund Rs.7,000 per acre as incentive to paddy growers of Punjab to branch out to other summer crops under a federal crop diversification programme followin... Read More

Centre to boost carbon credits for biogas sector

India, July 19 -- The Centre will double down on a national programme to promote compressed biogas, a green fuel, and streamline mechanisms for carbon credits in the sector, Union minister for Jal Sha... Read More

Govt questions disparity in priceof types of pulses

India, July 17 -- The Centre on Tuesday asked retailer associations and supermarket chains why consumer prices of some varieties of pulses had not eased despite declining wholesale prices, pushing the... Read More

Kharif sowing expands amid skewed rainfall

India, July 16 -- The area under kharif, or summer-sown, crops is expanding rapidly in major food-bowl regions following sufficient July rainfall in several states, which will potentially cap prices i... Read More

Retail prices in June soar to 5.08% after cooling to its lowest in a year

India, July 12 -- India's consumer inflation edged up to 5.08% in June from a year ago, after cooling to a 12-month low of 4.80% in May, driven by food prices, especially vegetables, data from the min... Read More

Uptick in July rains boosts kharif crops sowing, pulses area up 50%

New Delhi, July 10 -- A pickup in the June-September monsoon in July so far, after patchy start last month, has boosted planting of a range of kharif or summer crops, which account for nearly half of ... Read More

Uptick in rain boosts kharif sowing

New Delhi, July 9 -- A pickup in the south-west monsoon in July, after a patchy start last month, has boosted planting of a range of summer crops, which account for nearly half of the country's annual... Read More