



What is my role as a male champion in SGBV fight?

Nairobi, May 15 -- Dear Vivian, I am a male champion and community-based paralegal. What is my role in sexual and gender-based violence in my community? Moses Onyiego, Nyamira Dear Moses, Communi... Read More

Our chama wants to buy land, guide us on the legal process

Nairobi, May 9 -- Dear Vivian, I am in an all-women chama that focuses on economic empowerment. We purchase land on behalf of our members. What are the land rights that we should be aware of and how ... Read More

A couple has offered me surrogacy, but I'm wary of its legal risks

Nairobi, April 12 -- Dear Vivian, A couple struggling with infertility recently approached me and asked me to consider becoming a surrogate mother for them through the IVF process. They have assured ... Read More

I've broken up with my children's stepdad; can I sue him for their upkeep?

Nairobi, March 29 -- Dear Vivian, I am a single mother of two. I have also been married for six years but not to the children's father. The children have become fond of my husband. In fact, they have... Read More