


Youth encouraged to fight breast, cervical cancer

Dar es Salaam, June 12 -- DAR ES SALAAM: YOUTH have been encouraged to go for regular health checkups in order to take proper precautions against breast and cervical cancer. Founder and CEO of the Nu... Read More

India-Tanzania trade reaches new heights

Dar es Salaam, May 27 -- DAR ES SALAAM: INDIA-Tanzania bilateral trade has soared to 7.9 billion US dollars in the 2023/2024 financial year, marking a 22 per cent growth over the previous year. This ... Read More

Experts ask govt to review ICT curriculum

Dar es Salaam, May 24 -- TANZANIA: INFORMATION and Communication Technology (ICT) beneficiaries have asked the government to review the curriculum so as to empower the next generation of female leader... Read More

State vows to improve emergency services

Dar es Salaam, May 22 -- DAR ES SALAAM: IN an effort to improve emergency services in the country, the government has pledged to continue working with the US based Abbott Foundation and Muhimbili Nati... Read More

MNH reduces death rate by 50 per cent

Dar es Salaam, May 13 -- DAR ES SALAAM: MUHIMBILI National Hospital (MNH) has managed to reduce the number of deaths by 50 per cent due to significant improvements in the emergency services, the Direc... Read More

Notable performance in public procurement sector

Dar es Salaam, April 11 -- DAR ES SALAAM: PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassans three years in power has seen the Public Procurement sector recording notable performance, including introduction of the New El... Read More

Buckreef pays 13bn/- as taxes, fees to govt

Dar es Salaam, April 3 -- GEITA: BUCKREEF Gold Mining has paid various taxes and fees to the government worth 13bn/- in three years from its mining operations. This was unveiled by the State Mining C... Read More

Govt lures private sector to invest in mother, child health

Dar es Salaam, March 26 -- DAR ES SALAAM: THE government has encouraged the private sector to invest in mother and child health so as to improve maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal care... Read More

Italy assures cooperation in boosting agriculture

Dar es Salaam, March 25 -- DAR ES SALAAM: ITALIAN Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr Marco Lombard has expressed his countrys readiness to support and cooperate with Tanzania in advancing the agricultural sec... Read More