



14-party alliance reduced to mere formalities

Dhaka, June 12 -- The distance between the ruling Awami League and its partners in the 14-party alliance has widened, leading to uncertainty about the future of the coalition. The alliance, once a rob... Read More

Storm over 2024-25 budget: Political parties slam AL govt's economic plan

Dhaka, June 8 -- The Awami League government's proposed budget for the fiscal year 2024-2025 has faced unanimous rejection from the country's major political parties. Critics argue that the budget lac... Read More

boosting voter turnout AL, EC face uphill battle

Dhaka, May 21 -- As the sixth Upazila Parishad elections reach their largest and most critical phase today, the ruling Awami League and the Election Commission are grappling with the dual challenges o... Read More

AL, EC worried as MPs defy party directives

Dhaka, April 27 -- Concerns loom large over the upcoming Upazila Parishad elections as the ruling Awami League faces internal discord, prompting worries from both party officials and the Election Comm... Read More

AL vs. AL one more time: Intra-party tensions escalate ahead of UP polls

Dhaka, April 17 -- In what appears to be a growing rift within the ranks of the ruling Awami League (AL), the party is facing significant challenges in controlling its Members of Parliament (MPs) and ... Read More

Discord in AL up amid next UZ polls

Dhaka, April 3 -- As the nation gears up for the upcoming Upazila Parishad elections, a notable twist in the strategy of the ruling Awami League has emerged. Contrary to the norm, the party has decid... Read More

Speculation rife with cabinet expansion

Dhaka, March 30 -- As the nation approaches the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, political circles are abuzz with discussions regarding the potential expansion of the cabinet following the festivit... Read More

Ruling alliance on papers

Dhaka, March 19 -- Amidst the political landscape in the country, questions arise about the relevance and strength of the ruling Awami League-led 14-party alliance. While the coalition technically st... Read More