India, March 6 -- Can we retire the 'Bura Na Mano Holi Hai' slogan forever? I'm talking to you, Bollywood! And the men who take their cue from it.

Bura na mano, Holi hai - don't be offended its Holi. What does this mean? It basically means that I can do whatever I want, including intrude upon your personal space, touch you, deface you, it is up to you to not take offence. You must acquiesce, give it and resign yourself to it all. Now where have we seen this before? Countless Hindi films, the songs in particular. Check out some of the problematic songs and maybe think of the message they send out:

"Do what you want today"

Image source: This song from Darr

This song literally says this: do what you want today, embrace whoever you want. ...