New Delhi, Oct. 17 -- The eyebrow is equivalent to the life line in palmistry. It shows a person's fortune between 31 and 34. While the long eyebrow suggests longevity, the short eyebrow, same with the short life line, does not necessarily mean a short life.

Moles On Eyebrows

1. Mole at the Brow: A possible calamity of imprisonment in life.

2. Mole above the Brow: Recent money matters, such as no money for daily expenses like rent.

3. Mole near the Middle of Eyebrow: Future money matters, such as insufficient fund for investment or buying house.

4. Mole between Eye and Eyebrow: Failure to share family property.

5. Black Mole in the Middle of Eyebrow: People with such a mole are smart and will have one marine risk; if the eyebrow i...