Tashkent, Jan. 29 -- Last year in Uzbekistan, it was reported that 61.1 percent of deaths were due to circulatory system diseases, according to the Statistics Agency. The total number of deaths in 2023 was 172,800, with 95,000 men and 77,800 women. Of these, 93,600 occurred in cities and 79,200 in rural areas.

Breaking down the demographics, 24.6 percent were of working age, 8.8 percent were below working age, and 66.6 percent were above working age. Other causes of death included 10.8 percent from tumors, 5.5 percent from respiratory organ diseases, 4.8 percent from accidents, poisoning, and injuries, 4.1 percent from digestive organ diseases, 1.3 percent from infectious and parasitic diseases, and 12.4 percent from other illnesses.
