U.S., Oct. 20 -- Wyndham Hotels and Resorts provide hotel and resort chain. It operates primarily in Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Turkey, Germany, the UK, the Caribbean and Margarita Island in Venezuela.

Wyndham Hotels and Resorts is headquartered in New Jersey, United States. "Several brokerages including Zacks have also recently commented on WH. JPMorgan Chase & Co. decreased their price target on shares of Wyndham Hotels & Resorts from $64.00 to $61.00 and set an overweight rating on the stock in a research note on Friday, September 6th.

Robert W. Baird started coverage on shares of Wyndham Hotels & Resorts in a research note on Wednesday, August 21st. They issued an outperform rating and a $62.00 price target on the stock.
