U.S., Aug. 19 -- The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transport (HART) is overlooking the most time consuming, most money-eating projects every undertaken in the U.S. State of Hawaii. Fist started with a 6 billion dollar project in 2006, in 2019 this number went to 10 billion and it will be another 6 years before it will be operational to transport Hawaiian residents and visitors on a 20-mile long rail-link spanning 21 stations from East Kapolei to Ala Moana Shopping Center in Honolulu. The new man in charge was named.

David Uchiyama is a man with many jobs in a short time. A true example of the still very active Good Old Boy network that has ruled the Hawaii business industry since Statehood and before.

In 2006 when HART just started David U...