Aizawl, March 22 -- Former Chief Minister and opposition Mizo National Front (MNF) President Zoramthanga on Friday announced the name of the lone Rajya Sabha member from Mizoram K. Vanlalvena (54) as the party nominee for the coming election to Mizoram Lok Sabha seat.

Zoramthanga analogized Vanlalvena to Chawngbawla, one of the bravest Mizo warriors who fought against the British imperialists, saying that the Rajya Sabha MP is a courageous leader best fit to represent Mizoram in the Parliament.

Vanlalvena, while addressing MNF workers after the announcement, said, "We, regional parties, are not going to matter in the formation of the government at the center as it will be a contest between the NDA and the INDIA (earlier known as UPA). Th...