Dhaka, March 5 -- Brunei Ambassador Haji Haris Bin Osman visited four industrial units and a number of educational instittions duly established by the former city mayor Manzoor Alam in Chattogram.

Earlier, Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Haji Haris Bin Osman, his wife Suraiya Haji Saleh and the first secretary of the High Commission, Rosaimi Abdullah, Chairman of Mostafa Hakim Group and former Mayor Mohammad Manjur Alam, Managing Director of HM Steel , Mohammad Sahidul Alam, Executive Director Shamsudoha, General Manager Borhan Uddin Ahmed and Chief Engineer Yakub Nabi welcomed the foreign guests.Later, the ambassadors visited different parts of the industry and took a good idea about the quality of the products produced.

Former City Mayo...