Srinagar, Nov. 28 -- The three day KASHPEX 2023, i.e. State Level Philatelic Exhibition was inaugurated by Brig K Bhardwaj, Brig HQ 15 Corps along with Col Vinod Kumar, Chief Postmaster General, J&K Circle, at SKICC here today.

The event was also attended by Col Faraz, Col GS (IW), HQ 15 Corps and Shri Athar Aamir Khan, Commissioner SMC and CEO, Srinagar Smart City Limited.

In line with said promotional endeavor, Department of Posts, J&K Circle has organized the KASHPEX-2023 from November 28 to 30, where approximately 50,000 postage stamps and other philatelic items are on display.

The exhibition will highlight India's history, culture, art and heritage across years through stamps and pictural collections. India Post scented stamps are...