Dhaka, Dec. 4 -- Prices of onion and sugar witnessed a fresh hike in the last two days augmenting woes of the commoners.

Sugar price further increased to Tk150-170 a kg from Tk 145-160 a kg. Loose sugar retailed at Tk150-155 a kg and packed sugar at Tk160-170 a kg.

Traders said prices of the essentials started increasing further with a recent announcement made by the commerce minister in Rangpur that 'there is now no option to reduce sugar prices.'

Habibur Rahman, a grocer at Buddhijibir Dhal at Rayer Bazar in the city, said loose sugar price further increased by Tk4.0-4.5 a kg at Moulovibazar wholesale market in the last three days.

He said a 50-kg bag of sugar is being sold at Tk7100-7200 instead of Tk6,850 maximum.

He added compan...