Dhaka, Dec. 3 -- The revenue board continues to exhibit its heavy reliance on indirect tax collection, with a lack of significant reductions in the last decade until fiscal year (FY) 2022-23.

In FY23, data available with the National Board of Revenue (NBR) shows, indirect tax collection accounted for 66 per cent of the total tax revenue.

There was a modest 5.91-per cent decline in this tax category, reducing from 71.91 per cent in FY10 to 66 per cent in FY23 over the past decade.

By contrast, the NBR data reveals a more substantial decline of 10.73 per cent in one decade from FY 2000-01 to FY 2009-10.

Indirect taxes include value-added tax (VAT), goods and services tax (GST) and sales tax. Other examples include excise duty, customs d...