Tanzania, May 10 -- Dar es Salaam. The government said on Thursday, May 9, 2024, that five people died and seven others were injured following the landing of Cyclone Hidaya on the south-eastern coast of the Indian Ocean.

Cyclone Hidaya landed on Tanzania's coastline on Saturday, May 4, 2024, adversely affecting Mtwara, Lindi, Coast and Morogoro regions.

In the regions, the government said 7,027 households with 18,862 people were adversely affected.

Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa shared the statistics on May 9, 2024, when issuing a government statement on Cyclone Hidaya in Parliament during impromptu questions to the Premier.

He said Cyclone Hidaya, which was associated with heavy rainfall and strong winds, killed five people in Kilwa ...