Tanzania, May 25 -- Unguja. The opposition political party, ACT Wazalendo, has vowed to review all dodgy contracts once they assume power.

Speaking at a gathering of the party's delegates and leaders from the South Unguja Region on May 25, 2024, in Dunga, the party's Vice Chairman (Zanzibar), Mr Ismali Jussa Ladhu, reiterated the party's commitment to rectify numerous detrimental contracts burdening the nation upon their anticipated rise to power next year.

Referring to a recent story published by Mwananchi and The Citizen on May 24, 2024, regarding a contentious bidding process overseen by the Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority (ZURA), which led to fuel shortages in Zanzibar on April 16, Mr Jussa emphasised the urgency of the matt...