Sri Lanka, Jan. 5 -- The poor have longing only God can feel

The destitute have tears only God will see

Impoverished have sighs God does hear

God in poor form came to us dear and near

Bethlehem's stable where Oxen drool

Clostridium tetani in ass dung crawl

Straw for manger no blue cot draping

Ample samples of animal dropping

Carpenter's son the educated offended

How can He speak well on text so sacred

Poor man made the rich fisherman's boat

Joseph and Jesus calloused hands wrought

Begging I see feet by the busy roadside

Rich are on wheels the poor come aside

Diverse slippers old, torn seldom new

Those who stop to help are a rare few

Shoes are my earnings cobbler by trade

No one's dirt too much shoes are made

Road my friend...