India, Feb. 16 -- By R. Eshwari

Raquel loves yoga, baking and Mysuru. Armed with a degree in Physiology and Biomedical Science, she is the Founder of Local Friendly Bakery, Vontikoppal. She firmly believes that attention to detail and creativity blossom with practice, a philosophy rooted in her upbringing.

"I've been enveloped in the aroma of freshly baked goods for as long as I can recall," she reminisces. Her mother, a dedicated baker, would craft delectable treats every Friday for no fewer than 14 families.

The tradition of baking runs deep in Raquel's family, a heritage she proudly upholds. Fleeing Egypt due to escalating anti-Semitism, her family found refuge in Guatemala in Central America. Amidst upheaval, food became their anch...