Hyderabad, Nov. 26 -- Shafeeq R. Mahajir

Obvious =clear,self-evident,plainly visible, conspicuously noticeable, unmistakable, beyond doubt, unconcealed.

Obviously = clearly, evidently, unmistakably, undeniably, incontrovertibly.

Oblivious =unaware,unconcerned about things happening,heedless, unmindful, indifferent.

Obviously Obvious-Oblivious = undeniably indifferent to and unmindful aboutself-evident,conspicuously noticeable matters unmistakablyperceived and understood.

Now, preliminaries out of the way, what in blazes am I, a talking dictionary? You see, precision in speech ought to be a lawyer'sforte.I must be clear. To the reader, andothers, those out to find something from which they can try to hang me, and the judges before who...