Hyderabad, May 7 -- Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind has pledged its support to the Congress in the coming general elections in Telangana, and urged all voters to stop the 'divisive forces'.

Addressing the media at Gandhi Bhavan on Tuesday, May 7,Hazrat Maulana Khaja Kaleemuddin, state president of Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind, said that a vote for BRS would be wasted and that there is a need to elect Congress leader Rahul Gandhi as the Prime Minister of the country.

He cautioned that if BJP came to power, it would abolish reservations and change the constitution. Observing that the Congress is a secular party, he urged one and all, to support Congress in the Lok Sabha elections just the way they have supported the grand old party in the Assembly elections....