Hyderabad, Dec. 18 -- Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh were struck by four subsequent earthquakes in less than an hour on Monday, December 18.

The sequence began with a significant earthquake at 3:48 pm with its epicenter in Kargil, Ladakh at coordinates 76.74degE, 33.15degN with a depth of 10 km and 5.7 magnitude.

Another earthquake of 3.6 magnitude struck Kishtwar at 4:18 pm with a depth of 10 km. The epicenter of the quake was identified at coordinates 33.37degN, 76.57degE, according to data from the National Centre for Seismology (NCS).

Prior to this the region, experienced another earthquake with magnitude of 3.8. The seismic event occurred at 4:01 pm with a depth of 10 km and its coordinates were recorded at 33.34degN, 76.78degE.
