DANG, April 17 -- Four critically injured passengers in the Salyan bus accident have been referred to Kohalpur of Banke for further treatment.

According to Police Inspector Nabin Thapa Magar at the Area Police Office, Tharmare, four passengers with severe injuries have been sent to Kohalpur and they are Bishnu BK, 46, of Tulasipur Sub Metropolis-4, Dang; Chitra Pun, 22, of Tribeni rural municipality-2 in Rukum West, her six-year-old son Ramesh Pun Magar and Krishna Chaudhary, 29 of Bijauri of Tulasipur-19, Dang. The remaining 10 are being treated in local health facilities.

A passenger bus en route to East Rukum from Ghorahi of Dang met with an accident at Thingbang of Bagchaur municipality-2 in Salyan. A total of 22 people were injured...