"He came at around 9, March 10 -- A man died while standing in line to buy a ticket for OPD services at Bakulahar Ratnanagar Hospital in Ratnanagar, Chitwan district, this morning.

According to the hospital, 24-year-old Jeevan Babu Thapa Magar of Ratnanagar Municipality-3 Laurighol died while standing in the queue to buy a ticket.

30 on Sunday morning and stood in the queue to buy an OPD ticket. He suddenly collapsed while standing," said Rajkumar Ghimire, information officer of the hospital. "He died while being taken to the emergency room for treatment."

According to the hospital's information officer Ghimire, there was no rush of patients when he was standing in the queue. Ghimire said that he had come alone from home to the hospita...