Nigeria, May 25 -- The tussle for the Kano emirship appears to be in full steam as two men, Aminu Ado Bayero and Lamido Sanusi, have asserted claims to the position and are acting as such from two different palaces.

While the man reinstated by the state government, Mr Sanusi, is holding court at the main Kano emir's palace, the man deposed by the government, Mr Ado Bayero is at the mini palace at the Nassarawa GRA both in Kano city.

Mr Ado Bayero surprisingly returned from a trip to Kano on Saturday morning, a day after Mr Sanusi was formally reinstated.

Mr Sanusi has been receiving greetings and homages from district heads at the.

He rode on a horse to the chamber to the sound of multiple gun salutes from the palace guards. Hundreds ...