Nigeria, March 18 -- The founder of the Afe Babalola University, Ado Ekiti (ABUAD), Afe Babalola (SAN), on Monday, lamented that previous governors of Ekiti State before Governor Biodun Oyebanji failed to develop the state by abandoning the vision of those who laboured for its creation.

Mr Babalola, who lauded Mr Oyebanji for his good work, added that the incumbent should have governed the state much earlier, saying that the vision behind the creation of Ekiti was to make it the best state in Nigeria just like ABUAD.

The ABUAD founder stated this at the commissioning of the multisystem hospital annexe, Odo-Ado, Igirigiri road in Ado Ekiti.

"It pains me that you didn't become governor of Ekiti much earlier than now. We know what we did ...