France, March 19 -- Contract Id: 3149148

Description: France based WATERLOGIC FRANCE has secured contract from Ministere charge des transports - Direction Generale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC) for Water distribution and related services. The value of the contract is not disclosed.

Country: France

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to WATERLOGIC FRANCE, Postal address: 7 rue de Jouy, Town: Paris cedex 4, Postcode: 75181, Country: France, Email:, Telephone: 01 44 59 44 00

Contract awarded to executing agency: Ministere charge des transports - Direction Generale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC), Town: Paris, Postcode: 75015, Country: France, Contact point: Bureau des marches, du voyage d'affaires et du pilotage du progra...