Germany, March 12 -- Contract Id: 3145844

Description: Germany based Wassertechnik Wertheim GmbH & Co. KG has secured contract from Stadtwerke Memmingen for Construction work for swimming pool. The value of the contract is 344226700 EUR.

Country: Germany

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to Wassertechnik Wertheim GmbH & Co. KG, Postal address: Maximilianstrabe 39, Town: Munchen, Postcode: 80538, Country subdivision (NUTS): Memmingen, Kreisfreie Stadt(DE274), Country: Germany, Email:, Telephone: +49 8921762411

Contract awarded to executing agency: Stadtwerke Memmingen, Town: Memmingen, Postcode: 87700, Country subdivision (NUTS): Memmingen, Kreisfreie Stadt (DE274), Country: Germany, Emai...