Spain, March 11 -- Contract Id: 3144914

Description: Spain based SOLUTIA INNOVAWORLD TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. has secured contract from Presidencia de la Confederacion Hidrografica del Guadalquivir for Computer facilities management services. The value of the contract is worth 78824651 EUR.

Country: Spain

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to SOLUTIA INNOVAWORLD TECHNOLOGIES, S.L., Town: Salteras (Sevilla)., Postcode: 41909, Country: Spain, Email:, Telephone: 955111155

Contract awarded to executing agency: Presidencia de la Confederacion Hidrografica del Guadalquivir, Town: Sevilla, Postcode: 41071, Country subdivision (NUTS): Sevilla (ES618), Country: Spain, Contact point: Presidencia de la Confederacion Hidrografic...