Sweden, March 20 -- Contract Id: 3150446

Description: Sweden based Samhall Aktiebolag has secured contract from AB Ljusdalshem for Building-cleaning services. The value of the contract is not disclosed.

Country: Sweden

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to Samhall Aktiebolag, Postal address: Box 45, Town: Falun, Postcode: 791 21, Country subdivision (NUTS): Dalarnas lan(SE312), Country: Sweden, Email: forvaltningsrattenifalun@dom.se, Telephone: 023-383 00 00, Internet address: https://www.domstol.se/forvaltningsratten-i-falun/

Contract awarded to executing agency: AB Ljusdalshem, Town: LJUSDAL, Postcode: 82721, Country subdivision (NUTS): Gavleborgs lan (SE313), Country: Sweden, Contact point: Henrik Turesson, Email: henrik.turesson@upph...