Slovenia, Feb. 19 -- Contract Id: 3126141

Description: Slovenia based ROCHE farmacevtska druzba d.o.o. has secured contract from UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, MEDICINSKA FAKULTETA for Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment, Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment. The value of the contract is worth 9223676 EUR.

Country: Slovenia

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to ROCHE farmacevtska druzba d.o.o., Postal address: Slovenska cesta 54, Town: Ljubljana, Postcode: 1000, Country subdivision (NUTS): Osrednjeslovenska(SI041), Country: Slovenia, Email:, Telephone: +38612342800, Internet address:

Contract awarded to executing agency: UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI, MEDICINSKA...