Slovenia, March 19 -- Contract Id: 3150098

Description: Slovenia based PAUL HARTMANN ADRIATIC, druzba za medicinske proizvode in storitve na podrocju preventive, diagnostike, higiene in zdravstvene oskrbe d.o.o. has secured contract from UNIVERZITETNI KLINIcNI CENTER MARIBOR for Medical consumables, Gas masks, 18424300 Disposable gloves, 33734000 Spectacles, 35113400 Protective and safety clothing. The value of the contract is worth 5765300 EUR.

Country: Slovenia

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to PAUL HARTMANN ADRIATIC, druzba za medicinske proizvode in storitve na podrocju preventive, diagnostike, higiene in zdravstvene oskrbe d.o.o., Postal address: Slovenska cesta 54, Town: Ljubljana, Postcode: 1000, Country subdivision (NUTS): Osr...