Spain, Feb. 28 -- Contract Id: 3136432

Description: Spain based INDRA SOLUCIONES TECNOLOGIAS DE LA INFORMACION, S.L.U has secured contract from Presidencia del Tribunal de Cuentas for software development, Internet and support. The value of the contract is worth 17149988 EUR.

Country: Spain

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to INDRA SOLUCIONES TECNOLOGIAS DE LA INFORMACION, S.L.U, Town: Alcobendas, Madrid, Postcode: 28108, Country: Spain, Email:, Telephone: +034 682018357

Contract awarded to executing agency: Presidencia del Tribunal de Cuentas, Town: Madrid, Postcode: 28004, Country subdivision (NUTS): Madrid (ES300), Country: Spain, Contact point: Presidencia del Tribunal de Cuentas, Email: contratacion.gerencia@tcu...