Spain, March 5 -- Contract Id: 3141338

Description: Spain based HAMILTON SUNDSTRAND CUSTOMER SUPPORT CENTER MAASTRICHT BV has secured contract from Direccion de Adquisiciones del Mando de Apoyo Logistico del Ejercito del Aire for Repair and maintenance services of military aircrafts, missiles and spacecrafts. The value of the contract is worth 395000000 EUR.

Country: Spain

Sector: Industr

Contract awarded to HAMILTON SUNDSTRAND CUSTOMER SUPPORT CENTER MAASTRICHT BV, Town: Madrid, Postcode: 28001, Country: Spain, Email:, Telephone: 914318253

Contract awarded to executing agency: Direccion de Adquisiciones del Mando de Apoyo Logistico del Ejercito del Aire, Town: Madrid, Postcode: 28071, Country subdivision (NUTS): Madri...